Leading On - Leading in a Multi-Cultural City

Multicultural schools are rich in diversity and can be exciting places to learn and work; where students, staff and the community value the opportunities families with such a range of backgrounds bring to one institution.  The school I led for 12 years had over 1800 students, with at one point 71 different languages spoken, and was in the center of a city which had seen waves of immigration from Italy, Pakistan, Eastern Europe and more recently from across the world, including many refugees. In addition, our school was a hub for Deaf students and Physically Impaired students. Having an inclusive culture where strategies are put in place to ensure all feel valued is vital.

  • This webinar will look at developing and maintaining a vision for leading a school in a multicultural city.
  • Ways in which to ensure that vision is then embedded as part of the culture and activities of the school. The strategies we used to embed ‘Being different, belonging together’ included using the vertical tutoring programme, ‘Drop Down’ days, Language and Culture days and Language Leaders.
  • Initiatives with the range of communities the school served. This will include the relationship we built with the Mosques and Churches; our after school activities; and our work with businesses and the local Hospital, particularly through ‘Take Over Days’ and our Christmas books and Hampers.
*PLEASE NOTE: This is a prerecorded session and available for purchasing resources only*
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Pamela Kilbey

Education Consultant

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Participants will:

  • Consider the implications of leading in a multi-cultural city.
  • Have the opportunity to reflect on how their school or college currently promotes inclusivity.
  • Learn about a range of strategies which they can use/amend for their own setting.

  • Executive Head, CEO, Headteacher/Principal 
  • Deputy Head/Vice Principal 
  • Assistant Head/Assistant Principal
  • Aspiring leaders 
  • Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists 
  • Governors