Leading On - Understanding the Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS)

Understanding the differences between the Teachers Pensions Scheme (TPS) and alternative pension provisions is more important than ever.

Melanie will talk through the main differences between these schemes, then move on to discuss the benefits included within your TPS membership in more detail.

The discussion will cover flexibilities and how to enhance your pension, along with the different options available when approaching retirement and how the retirement process works.

This is a ‘back to basics’ look at the Teachers Pension Scheme (TPS) aimed at anybody who would like to gain a better understanding of, what will be, the cornerstone of their retirement income.  

*PLEASE NOTE: This is a pre-recorded session for purchasing resources only*

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Melanie Moffatt

Conditions of Employment Specialist: Pensions

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Participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of being in the Teachers Pension Scheme.
  • Have an overview of how the scheme works and the different options available.
  • Understand how the Teachers Pension Scheme differs to alternative pension provisions.

  • Executive Head, CEO, Headteacher/Principal 
  • Deputy Head/Vice Principal 
  • Assistant Head/Assistant Principal  
  • Aspiring leaders 
  • Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists 
Teaching phase
  • Secondary 
  • Primary 
  • Special/PRU 
  • All through 
  • Post-16 / FE