Leading On - Unlocking the potential of your school library to drive improvement

The school library is popular in prospectuses and when visitors come to school, but is this all your school library does?

Are you unsure of what your role in leading the school library is, and what to expect of the staff responsible?

The is a new focus on school libraries, but what counts as a school library and why all the fuss over what’s just a room full of books?!

Join Alison Tarrant as she guides you through the no-fuss guide to having a fully functional school library that does far more than looks good in photos.

This webinar will guide delegates through how to lead their school library to better outcomes for all, covering the basics and dealing with some common misconceptions. From where the school library can have impact to what the foundations are you will leave understanding why a school library is more than the sum of its parts, and knowing how to create the best school library possible.

By the end of this webinar delegates will have a clear picture of how the school library can support the school’s improvement aims and have an action plan. This webinar is for all school phases, and there will be time for questions at the end.

*PLEASE NOTE: This is a prerecorded session and available for purchasing resources only*
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Alison Tarrant

Chief Executive of the School Library Association

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Participants will:

  • Identify which improvement objectives the school library can add to
  • Understand the best ways of measuring impact for your context
  • Know how to create a strong foundation
  • Have clarity on what good leadership of a school library looks like

  • Executive Head, CEO, Headteacher/Principal 
  • Deputy Head/Vice Principal
  • Assistant Head/Assistant Principal   
  • Aspiring leaders 
  • Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists 
  • Governors