
Train to Retrain: How CPD can keep staff in the sector

Effective CPD can reignite passion, boost morale, and enhance the quality of teaching which are crucial for retaining staff. In this blog,  ASCL Leadership Development Manager Thomas Freeney invites leaders to contribute to an ongoing piece of research which aims to help understand the current CPD landscape and its impact on staff retention.

Posted: 22/07/2024 10:55:40
  • Professional Development
  • CPD
  • Blog

Boosting Language Learning: Strategies for education leaders

Strong skills in languages other than English would be good for pupils, their school communities and the UK as a whole.  In her latest blog, ASCL MFL Consultant Suzanne O’Farrell shares ideas and advice on how to involve all members of the senior team in promoting the importance of language learning. 

Posted: 11/07/2024 08:37:44
  • Curriculum
  • MFL
  • Blog